need to apply antifouling paint to the bottom of your boat in order to prevent the Marine growth on its hull. It comprises of tri butyl tin or TBT, which acts as a toxin against Marine growth. However in the recent years there has been a shift towards the use of weaker biocides or self eroding paint.
Antifouling paint is designed in a way that it is slowly and gradually removed by the ebb and flow of the tide. When the ship moves along in the seawater the antifouling paint gets eroded at a very slow rate. Erosion causes a layer of biocide to be exposed at the surface of the boat which acts as a deterrent for Marine growth and helps to get rid of it by preventing it from sticking to the hull surface.
What you need to consider before buying antifouling paint
Make sure to keep the following things in mind before you purchase antifouling paint for your boat.
- The selection of the antifouling paint depends upon the speed of the vessel. This enables the paint to be removed at the right time. For a boat with a higher speed it is necessary to buy a harder paint compound.
- It is also necessary to keep the speed of the vessel optimum at all times. It should not be kept stationary for too long or operated at a slow speed because this will prevent the removal of paint and the release of the biocide. This would render the antifouling as useless and ineffective.
Advantages of using antifouling paint
The following are a few advantages of using antifouling paint:
- Antifouling paint comprises of a water soluble bioactive compound which is applied to the hull of the boat and which flows down the growth of algae and other Marine organisms which attach to the boat and slow down its speed.
- There are two types of antifouling paints available in the market. These include self polishing antifouling paint and unconventional antifouling paint. Although the raw materials to make these are similar but the proportions and the binders which are used can differentiate their properties.
- For vessels which are always on the go and have a higher speed, self polishing antifouling is used. This kind of paint is partially soluble in water and releases binders which are broken down in a controlled manner over a period of time and which continuously expose a fresh layer of biocide. On the other hand conventional antifouling paint works upon the principal of contact leaching. It forms in insoluble resin which leach out when it comes in contact with water and prevents fouling from occurring.
- The fouling can result in the decreased performance of the boat which in turn results in increased fuel consumption and cost. It can also damage the surface of the hull. This is why it is essential to invest in the right kind of antifouling paint for your boat.
Make sure that you talk to a professional boat painter regarding the use of antifouling paint.